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Our Affiliates
The Cities we serve.
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The Need
transformational relationships.
If you consider yourself successful, chances are, somewhere along your journey there were people who encouraged or pushed you towards your potential. It may have been a parent, a teacher, a relative, or a mentor.
Unfortunately, many of today’s urban youth lack this positive guidance, resulting in alarming dropout, teen pregnancy, and incarceration rates. That’s where Elevate comes in; with meaningful relationships, opportunities, and experiences that shape students into the young adults we know they can become.

The Need
transformational relationships.
If you consider yourself successful, chances are, somewhere along your journey there were people who encouraged or pushed you towards your potential. It may have been a parent, a teacher, a relative, or a mentor.
Unfortunately, many of today’s urban youth lack this positive guidance, resulting in alarming dropout, teen pregnancy, and incarceration rates. That’s where Elevate comes in; with meaningful relationships, opportunities, and experiences that shape students into the young adults we know they can become.

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our mission
We build long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.
- History
- Core Values
- Core Beliefs
- Team
- Board Members
our mission
We build long-term, life-changing relationships with urban youth, equipping them to thrive and contribute to their community.
help us continue to scale
our history
Dr. Kent Hutcheson, Founder
Dr. Kent Hutcheson founded Colorado UpLift in 1982 as a summer jobs program for urban, at-risk youth. Dr. Hutcheson’s passion was to help urban young people find hope in hopeless circumstances.
Colorado Uplift
Colorado UpLift quickly changed its strategy in 1987 to teach character qualities and life skills needed for long-term success. Elevate staff members began providing leadership and character instruction in the Public School system for students from 2nd grade through college. Along with the in-school program, Colorado UpLift regularly mentored students after school and throughout the summer, improving the odds for urban youth to emerge as successful, productive young adults.
Model Replication Pilot Programs
After seeing the success of the UpLift model, COLORADO UPLIFT launched the Model Replication Program, aimed at helping new Elevate cities launch. In 2008, the first affiliate, ELEVATE ORLANDO, launched, followed by ELEVATE PHOENIX, in 2009, ELEVATE NEW YORK in 2010.
Elevate USA Formed
In January 2014, Elevate USA was formed by Colorado UpLift advocates, allowing Colorado UpLift to focus on the city of Denver and release Elevate USA to replicate the Colorado UpLift program in cities through the Unites States.
Elevate Indianapolis Launched
In the summer of 2015, Elevate Indianapolis was formed and began working with students from Arsenal Technical High School in Indianapolis, IN.
Elevate New England Launched
In the summer of 2016, Elevate New England was formed and began working with students from Lowell High School in Lowell, MA.
Elevate Las Vegas launched
In the summer of 2015, Elevate Las Vegas was formed and began working with students from Mojave high school in Clark County.
Percent of Elevate students are on track to graduate
- Character Qualities 38%